Hello CFC:
Hello CFC, I am a new speecher
Trying to figure out
What I'm supposed to be doing right now
Inside this Impromptu round.
Hello CFC, I am an RSA
Trying to do my best
I scrub the toilets and make all the meatballs for
The students but they don't know I'm here.
Hello CFC, I am an old intern
Remembering lessons learned
I miss the BPSers of four years past
And how they made me laugh.
Hello CFC, I am a debater
Of Public Forum surprisingly
I think it's weird compared to the normal styles
Like LD and Team Policy.
Hello CFC, I am a delegate
Representing Lybia
I am more then a little confused some how
Robert's Rules aren't helping now.
Hello CFC, I am a Business-y
selling oil refineries
I try to make so much capital per turn
Having fun while I learn.
Hello CFC, I am a new speecher
trying to figure out
What I'm supposed to be doing right now..
Help me to flood the five
And speak using my mind.
Teach me apologetics
And how to use forensics.
Help me to flood the five
And speak using my mind.
Teach me apologetics
And how to use forensics.
I honestly hope you have enjoyed this song, and feel free to tell me what you think about this song.