Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Moon Manor

For the past two months I have been traveling with 10 other teens around the nation teaching communication conferences as an intern for a nonprofit organization called The Institute For Cultural Communicators {http://www.instituteforculturalcommunicators.org}. The lessons I have learned, as well as the different experiences I have gained, have been amazing!

We have learned to love one another as true friends and even become each other's family in times that are good, bad, and ugly.
On the flight to TN I was blessed with the opportunity to fly with a good friend of mine who is also interning for ICC. Once we arrived in TN we met up with another close friend of ours who is also interning with ICC.

While there may onlybe 11 interns total, we have a LOT of luggage! At the very beginning of tour we all piled our luggage together and took a photo of the team and the team's belongings.

As we've grown to know each other we have begun to reveal who we truly are to our team members. Some of us are introverted, while others are not. We have numerous interests ranging from skydiving, chatting, juggling, playing instruments, frolicking through sprinklers, canoeing through swamplands, gaming, taking pictures and videos, and even playing ultimate frisbee. Most people may consider us a little on the crazy side, this may, or may not, be more true for some of the members on our team.

Through out the time we've spent together thus far we have encountered numerous stressful situations that, rather than causing tension within the individual members, brought us closer together.

One particular day stands out in my memory. Caroline and Emily were feeling very stressed and began listening to a song that has become very dear to the girls on tour. The song was so relevant to us at the time that we all wrote "BE OK" on our cheeks as a means of relieving stress. it was quite humorous to see the guys reaction to nearly all of the 7 girls running around and doing our jobs with "BE OK" written on our faces.


Our second conference of the tour was in Oldbridge, NJ and so we were privileged with the opportunity to spend an evening in NY City. It was so amazing! We traveled to NY on a train and for some of us, myself included, it was our first train ride.

Upon our arrival we explored some of the highlights that are located around Time Square such as the largest Macy's in history. As we explored the city we found many different stores and sights that reminded us of home, and even some that reminded us of each other.

While in the city we were able to see the Phantom of the Opera live. Through out the entire first half Emily and I kept looking at each other and saying, "Wow!" We were so amazed at how incredible every aspect of the musical was. Whether it be the singing, choreography, special effects, or the acting we were very impressed. Every time someone mentions the Phantom of the Opera or NY we all begin singing, "My music! My music!"

While NY truly was amazing, after the NJ conference came to a close we also were able to visit both Ellis and Liberty island.
Walking through Ellis Island was a very special experience as my great great grandmother entered into America through Ellis Island from England. I was so surprised at how intense the process of entering into our nation truly was. While it was to be expected, I never really gave it much thought.

Upon exploring Ellis Island, we journeyed over to Liberty Island where we visited the Statue of Liberty. It was quite the experience. From a distance the statue looks so small, and as you get closer, it still looks just as small. However, once you actually reach the island the statue seems so incredible large, that you would almost say it was a completely different sight. We traveled all the way to her feet, which is the 1/2 way point.

Upon making it to the 1/2 way point, we all went outside on the balcony that wraps all the way around the statue's feet. While there a majority of the team began to sing a song called "Rock, Sword, Shield" which is a song we teach to the 6-10 year olds at our events. The last line of the songs says, "And I'm going to wait, wait right here 'til Jesus comes. Oh yeah!" It felt so great to sing a Christian song at a national monument!

While these things are all good and fun, the real reason that we are all traveling with ICC as interns has nothing to do with seeing well known cities or monuments, but rather we are seeking to shape culture through authentic communication and equip students with both the competence and character they need to impact their culture for Christ.

"Therefore, let no one look down on you because you are young, but be an example to the believers in speech, in life, line love, in faith, and in purity." ~1 Timothy 4:12

Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Greatest Mystery of All

Everyone believes in something, whether it be aliens, Santa Claus, or some sort of Deity, we all struggle to find reasons to prove that our beliefs are correct. In doing so we arouse questions within our own minds and instinctively challenge what we are trying to prove. However, sometimes there are those things in our faith that we do not understand, no matter how hard we try. For many Christians, myself included, one of the greatest mysteries which we strive to understand fully, is the Trinity. How is it that God can be the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit all at the same time, while still remaining one being? It puzzles us to an unending extent. However, what if the Trinity isn't actually that complicated? What if there was an example of the Trinity somewhere here on Earth that could help us understand this great mystery better?

Just about a week ago I was pondering the concept of the Trinity and began asking some these questions. When all of a sudden I realized that there is an example of the Trinity here on Earth; it's US. We are a living example of the Trinity. The following image is one of the most common tools used to explain the Trinity:
While this image may seem a little complicated, if you replace the word "God" with "Man" and take out the "Holy" before "Spirit," you get a picture that look like this:

You see, we each are an example of the Trinity, as we each have three different "people" that we live as. First:


In every man and woman there is a "Father" or "Mother." This is the part of us that watches over those who are dear to us, as well as the part the loves and cherishes their children more so then they do themselves. The Father part of you is the part that that lifts up your children, and wants them to grow and prosper. Overall the "Father" is the part of you that is meant to leave the lessons learned with others. Second:


In every man and woman there is also a "Son" or "Daughter." This is the part of you that loves and cherishes your parents and those who have gone before. Learning from the mistakes and accomplishments of others, the Son part of you is what is reaching out to all those around you, trying to make a difference in this world. Whenever someone is in trouble, the Son is the one who is willing to to their own Father or Mother for help on behalf of their friends and loved ones. Basically, the "Son" is the part of you that wants to make an impact on this world, change the wrong to good, is willing to learn, and is constantly speaking to your Father, or Mother, on your behalf, as well as the behalf of others. Third:


This one is a little more confusing, you see this part of you is not a part of your physical self. We've all heard the saying, "I'll be with you, even when apart," and for some reason, it's true. You see, the "Spirit" part of you is what allows you to feel near to those around you, even when you are far away. This unique part of the everyday Trinity i something that many experience on a regular basis. For example, whenever a loved one is lost, or simply far away, there are times when we feel as though they are standing right beside us, this is a part of them, it's the part that stays with you forever.

Now that all three parts of the Trinity have been examined, there is one last thing to explain. If you recall, in the diagrams above it mentions that "The Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is not the Father," however, if all three of these are separate, how can they also be one? While the Father, Son, and Spirit sides of you are all different, and seem to be separate persons, they are all apart of who you are. You see, while there are times when you choose to act like the Father, and time you choose to act like the Son, both of these times are simply a part of your personality, and a part of who you are. Your "Father" side is instinctively going to be different then your "Son" side, and you "Spirit" side is going to be different then both your "Father" and "Son" sides, yet they are all a part of who you are.

While the Trinity does in fact seem hard to understand, it doesn't have to be. All it takes is some open minded thought, and a nice conversation with God. So, I hope this has helped you to understand the Trinity a little better, and if you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment. =)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hello CFC

Last night I was singing "Hello Seattle" By Owl City as I was getting ready for bed. As I was singing I began to realize that the song could also be sung as "Hello CFC." Upon receiving this great revelation, I decided to write the following song as a dedication to the Institute for Cultural communicators, more specifically the Communicators For Christ Conference Tours. So, without further adieu, I present to you, "Hello CFC." written by myself. =)

Hello CFC:

Hello CFC, I am a new speecher
Trying to figure out
What I'm supposed to be doing right now
Inside this Impromptu round.

Hello CFC, I am an RSA
Trying to do my best
I scrub the toilets and make all the meatballs for
The students but they don't know I'm here.

Hello CFC, I am an old intern
Remembering lessons learned
I miss the BPSers of four years past
And how they made me laugh.

Hello CFC, I am a debater
Of Public Forum surprisingly
I think it's weird compared to the normal styles
Like LD and Team Policy.
Hello CFC, I am a delegate

Representing Lybia
I am more then a little confused some how
Robert's Rules aren't helping now.

Hello CFC, I am a Business-y
selling oil refineries
I try to make so much capital per turn
Having fun while I learn.

Hello CFC, I am a new speecher
trying to figure out
What I'm supposed to be doing right now..

Help me to flood the five
And speak using my mind.
Teach me apologetics
And how to use forensics.

Help me to flood the five
And speak using my mind.
Teach me apologetics
And how to use forensics.

I honestly hope you have enjoyed this song, and feel free to tell me what you think about this song.