Just about a week ago I was pondering the concept of the Trinity and began asking some these questions. When all of a sudden I realized that there is an example of the Trinity here on Earth; it's US. We are a living example of the Trinity. The following image is one of the most common tools used to explain the Trinity:

While this image may seem a little complicated, if you replace the word "God" with "Man" and take out the "Holy" before "Spirit," you get a picture that look like this:

You see, we each are an example of the Trinity, as we each have three different "people" that we live as. First:
In every man and woman there is a "Father" or "Mother." This is the part of us that watches over those who are dear to us, as well as the part the loves and cherishes their children more so then they do themselves. The Father part of you is the part that that lifts up your children, and wants them to grow and prosper. Overall the "Father" is the part of you that is meant to leave the lessons learned with others. Second:
In every man and woman there is also a "Son" or "Daughter." This is the part of you that loves and cherishes your parents and those who have gone before. Learning from the mistakes and accomplishments of others, the Son part of you is what is reaching out to all those around you, trying to make a difference in this world. Whenever someone is in trouble, the Son is the one who is willing to to their own Father or Mother for help on behalf of their friends and loved ones. Basically, the "Son" is the part of you that wants to make an impact on this world, change the wrong to good, is willing to learn, and is constantly speaking to your Father, or Mother, on your behalf, as well as the behalf of others. Third:
This one is a little more confusing, you see this part of you is not a part of your physical self. We've all heard the saying, "I'll be with you, even when apart," and for some reason, it's true. You see, the "Spirit" part of you is what allows you to feel near to those around you, even when you are far away. This unique part of the everyday Trinity i something that many experience on a regular basis. For example, whenever a loved one is lost, or simply far away, there are times when we feel as though they are standing right beside us, this is a part of them, it's the part that stays with you forever.
Now that all three parts of the Trinity have been examined, there is one last thing to explain. If you recall, in the diagrams above it mentions that "The Father is not the Son, the Son is not the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit is not the Father," however, if all three of these are separate, how can they also be one? While the Father, Son, and Spirit sides of you are all different, and seem to be separate persons, they are all apart of who you are. You see, while there are times when you choose to act like the Father, and time you choose to act like the Son, both of these times are simply a part of your personality, and a part of who you are. Your "Father" side is instinctively going to be different then your "Son" side, and you "Spirit" side is going to be different then both your "Father" and "Son" sides, yet they are all a part of who you are.
While the Trinity does in fact seem hard to understand, it doesn't have to be. All it takes is some open minded thought, and a nice conversation with God. So, I hope this has helped you to understand the Trinity a little better, and if you have any questions please feel free to leave a comment. =)
I love how you explained that!! That was great!!
Love ya! And miss you bunches!
Kali, you are darling. Your blog is wonderful. You are fantastically articulate.
I like your blog a lot. I like you a lot.
Love always,
Catey of PREPishness :D
P.S. I've been thinking of you and praying for you.
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